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Is Holiday Stress Causing Your Neck Strain and Headaches? Chiropractic Care Can Help

Written By Dr. David Wren Chiropractic on January 3, 2023

woman stressed over holidays

If you’ve been Googling “chiropractor near me in Albany” because you’ve been experiencing frequent headaches or increasing neck strain, you may be surprised to learn that it could be caused by holiday stress. Stress can cause a wide range of symptoms and exacerbate certain medical conditions. Our chiropractor, Dr. David Wren, can help you determine the underlying cause of your stress, and develop a holistic chiropractic treatment plan that will help you find relief. 

How Do the Holidays Cause Headaches and Neck Strain?

Stress is the leading cause of headaches, and headaches can also be triggered by certain conditions that are more likely to be present during the holiday season, such as loud noises, bright lights, lack of sleep, excess alcohol, rich foods, and spending more time on your feet. Stress can also cause neck strain, as your body tenses up more when you’re under stress and that can contribute to muscle spasms and body aches and pains. You may also develop neck strain if you’re spending a lot of time on your feet, have been traveling by car or plane, are sleeping in an unfamiliar bed, and are spending more time than usual looking down at a phone, laptop, or cookbook. 

How a Chiropractor Can Help

Dr. Wren will help you uncover the true reason behind your stress and your symptoms, so that you can find relief and prevent your symptoms from recurring. He will design a treatment plan that addresses both the symptoms and their underlying cause. Common chiropractic treatments for headaches and neck strain include chiropractic adjustments, massage therapy, and laser therapy.

Ongoing Care in the Office and at Home

Dr. Wren can offer ongoing, continuous care in-office to maintain your health and prevent symptoms from coming back. You can work your treatment plan on your schedule, at your convenience. Because chiropractic care is all-natural and non-invasive, there is no limit to how often or how many treatment sessions you can have. Dr. Wren will also provide education and instruction on maintaining your health at home. This may include practicing stress-relief techniques, avoiding headache triggers, changing your diet and exercise plan, and taking nutritional supplements and vitamins.

If You’re Ready to Find Relief from Headaches & Neck Strain, Call Us Today

If the holidays have ended but you’re still feeling the symptoms of your holiday stress, call us at Dr. David Wren Chiropractic Sports & Injury Center today. We can treat your symptoms and help you avoid stress and headache triggers so that you can get back to your regular routine.

To learn more, you can call us at (229) 883-0042 or schedule an appointment online.

Posted In: Chiropractic Headaches Stress Reduction