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Why Choose Laser Therapy for Pain and Inflammation?

Written By Dr. David Wren Chiropractic on March 20, 2023

laser therapy

One of the best ways to heal the body is to empower it to heal itself, and one of the best ways to empower your body’s natural healing process is through Class IV laser therapy. Dr. David Wren Chiropractic & Sports Injury Center offers Class IV laser therapy in Albany for inflammation reduction and pain management, helping you get out of pain and stay pain-free.

What Is Class IV Laser Therapy?

Class IV laser therapy, also known as low-level laser therapy, is an FDA-approved treatment method for a variety of health conditions. The magic happens at the cellular level. Class IV lasers energize cells and stimulate them to produce energy and undergo healing processes. It’s used to treat both acute and chronic conditions, including arthritis, joint pain, and so much more.

Laser therapy is a painless, non-invasive outpatient procedure that lasts for a handful of minutes. Treatment time and the number of treatment sessions vary depending on the root cause of your inflammation and/or pain, and how severe your symptoms are. Dr. Wren will go over the treatment process with you, so you know what to expect.

Laser Therapy for Inflammation Reduction and Pain Management

Class IV lasers are shown to help with inflammation reduction and reducing pain levels by reducing muscle spasms and improving blood flow. The laser is shown to speed up recovery time, stimulate nerve regeneration, and reduce the inflammatory response. 

Dr. Wren often pairs Class IV laser therapy with other treatment methods to optimize recovery and maximize results. He may recommend laser therapy for various sports injuries, sciatica, back pain, neck pain, and more.

Find Pain Relief and Schedule Your Appointment Today

Dr. Wren specifically offers Class IV laser therapy in Albany because of its ability to penetrate through skin layers to promote healing where you need it most. It’s fast, effective, and non-invasive. We also offer free consultations to patients who are interested in learning more about the benefits of chiropractic care. If you’d like to learn more, you can call us at (229) 883-0042 or schedule your appointment online.

Posted In: Chiropractic Joint Pain Laser Therapy